2008 m. lapkričio 6 d., ketvirtadienis

Psychology of kleptomania

Not long time ago psychologists have understood that thefts could be done unconsciously by people, which may not have any important reasons. This mental disorder was named - kleptomania (From Greek kleptein to steal + mania madness)
Kleptomania is a tendency to steal things without monetary value or personal need, more important is stealing process. The theft is usually made by person, who could have afforded to pay for it. It is a neurotic impulse rather than material need. Even though people get adrenalin from doing so, they feel guilty after all.
The causes of this disorder are not exactly known. However, there are some tendencies. For example kleptomania is more common in females than in males. It was also noticed that people with kleptomania have another psychiatric disorder like depression, anxiety, eating disorders. One of the researches has shown a particularly high (65%) correlation of kleptomania in patients with bulimia.
To diagnose this problem is really hard, because patients don’t seek medical help, sometimes they even don’t know they have this disorder. There aren’t many ways to treat patients, because problem is new in psychology researches. However, one of the ways is psychology counseling or therapy when people in small groups deal with this problem. Another way is medication.
All in all, kleptomania is very serious illness. It is very hard to cope with this problem alone, so we have no right to judge people with this disorder.

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