2008 m. lapkričio 6 d., ketvirtadienis

Analytical summary af module 14

Robert S. Feldman in his book „Understanding psychology” pays a big attention to sleep and dreams. That is the name of a module fourteen, where the author describes the main features of sleeping.
Firstly, Feldman explains how our mind is working during the sleep. Also he introduces the main stages of sleep during the night. These stages starts with the first, when we just have fallen asleep, and ends with the last stage – REM sleep – rapid eye movements.
Another paragraph talks about need and duration of sleeping. Feldman tries to explain why we need sleep, giving examples from different perspectives. Moreover he talks about sleeping ours and how the lack of sleep can influence our work and life.
Very important question for Robert S. Feldman is the meaning of dreaming. He gives three explanations of dreams: Freud theory, dreams-for-survival theory and activation-synthesis theory. In addition, he also talk about daydreams and how much of our population spend their time fantasizing.
Finally, author talks about sleeping problems. He mentions three biggest illnesses of sleeping and gives some ideas how to deal with insomnia.
All in all, the author in this module explains the necessity of sleeping and lets to know more about this phenomenon.

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