2008 m. gruodžio 10 d., trečiadienis

Self-assessment of success in learning ESP

In this contribution I would like to discuss my achievements in learning ESP. In my opinion in this term I have made a great improvement in some parts of learning.
First of all, writing summary has seemed to me quite difficult. I didn’t know the main rules how to write summaries correctly, what tenses should be used. Also my spelling has get worse after this term, because I have had a little practice.
Moreover, there have been a lot of spelling mistakes in my comprehension tests. But after all they really have helped me to learn ESP definitions and many new words related to psychology. Thereby, now I can read different psychological articles and understand the main ideas although, this was clearly unbelievable, before these lessons.
Making power point presentations seemed to be very interesting activity. It has given a possibility to research the module you liked further. Also I have found much new information which would be relevant in our future.
The activity I have made a huge success at is impromptu speaking in class. Speaking has given me more confidence, improved my speaking skills and gave an ability to speak in psychological themes. The part that seemed to me very frightened now is quite easy.
To compare with secondary school listening practices have not been difficult. They were understandable and not very confusing. To sum up, I have not made any improvements in this part of learning.
New activity for me was writing contributions to e-portfolio. I have clearly understood the structure of the articles that is required. In my opinion, I think it is a huge experience that would be very useful in my future career.
All in all, I think that I made success in learning ESP. Lessons have improved my speaking skills and gave knowledge of psychology in English.

2008 m. lapkričio 25 d., antradienis

Learning ESP

Probably most of us have discovered some effective ways how to improve ESP. I have also made my own list how to make this language easier to learn.
Generally speaking, most of us find difficulty in learning new specific words. When you learn words in your native language try to find out them in English and search more common phrases. Moreove, try to change definitions in simpler words that you can easily remember.
Also it is a good idea to read articles about psychology on the internet or read books in English. There is plenty of useful information which can not be found in Lithuanian.
Another way to improve language is to discus psychological issues in worldwide forums. It is a good way to make your writing and vocabulary skills better.
All in all, I hope that you have many your own ways how to learn ESP better and easier.

2008 m. lapkričio 6 d., ketvirtadienis

Psychology of kleptomania

Not long time ago psychologists have understood that thefts could be done unconsciously by people, which may not have any important reasons. This mental disorder was named - kleptomania (From Greek kleptein to steal + mania madness)
Kleptomania is a tendency to steal things without monetary value or personal need, more important is stealing process. The theft is usually made by person, who could have afforded to pay for it. It is a neurotic impulse rather than material need. Even though people get adrenalin from doing so, they feel guilty after all.
The causes of this disorder are not exactly known. However, there are some tendencies. For example kleptomania is more common in females than in males. It was also noticed that people with kleptomania have another psychiatric disorder like depression, anxiety, eating disorders. One of the researches has shown a particularly high (65%) correlation of kleptomania in patients with bulimia.
To diagnose this problem is really hard, because patients don’t seek medical help, sometimes they even don’t know they have this disorder. There aren’t many ways to treat patients, because problem is new in psychology researches. However, one of the ways is psychology counseling or therapy when people in small groups deal with this problem. Another way is medication.
All in all, kleptomania is very serious illness. It is very hard to cope with this problem alone, so we have no right to judge people with this disorder.

Psychology of laughter

Laughter is the language that we all know and the easiest way to communicate. Laugh is very usual to us, so we don’t even think about it’s meaning. However, laughter plays a huge role in our lives
One of the main function of laughter is communication. For example laugh is 30 times frequent in social than in solitary situations. We all can notice that usually we laugh when we are with other people and being alone we only smile. In that case laughter can be understood like a signal sent to other person.
Another theory of laughter was made by Sigmund Freud. It is called relief theory. Laughter, according to him, releases tension and physic energy. So that, laughter helps to cope with bad emotions when we are sad, angry or scared.
Finally, laughter can be divided to two different groups - laughter which is stimulus-driven and laughter which is self-generated. Another separation is to voiced and unvoiced laughter. All in all, laugh is something that is individual, not the same.
Communication is not the only function of laughter. It is said that laugh can be as useful as medicine. According to many scientists, laugh can reduce stress, pain. Also it gives more oxygen to the brain and heart. Moreover, it improves job performances, because laugh „wakes up” creativity and allows solving problems faster. Laugh also is very useful for diabetics, because it reduces sugar level in blood.
In conclusion, laugher is more important than we think. It can help to cope with bad emotions and reduce stress. Also, laughter is one of the most important means of communication.

Analytical summary af module 14

Robert S. Feldman in his book „Understanding psychology” pays a big attention to sleep and dreams. That is the name of a module fourteen, where the author describes the main features of sleeping.
Firstly, Feldman explains how our mind is working during the sleep. Also he introduces the main stages of sleep during the night. These stages starts with the first, when we just have fallen asleep, and ends with the last stage – REM sleep – rapid eye movements.
Another paragraph talks about need and duration of sleeping. Feldman tries to explain why we need sleep, giving examples from different perspectives. Moreover he talks about sleeping ours and how the lack of sleep can influence our work and life.
Very important question for Robert S. Feldman is the meaning of dreaming. He gives three explanations of dreams: Freud theory, dreams-for-survival theory and activation-synthesis theory. In addition, he also talk about daydreams and how much of our population spend their time fantasizing.
Finally, author talks about sleeping problems. He mentions three biggest illnesses of sleeping and gives some ideas how to deal with insomnia.
All in all, the author in this module explains the necessity of sleeping and lets to know more about this phenomenon.

Analytical summary of modules 1, 2 and 3

Robert S. Feldman in his book „Understanding psychology” tries to introduce psychology as a science to the ESP students. Here he explains the major issues of this subject.
In the first module of this book Feldman discusses the major subfields of psychology. Moreover, he talks about work opportunities in this sphere. The most important, he describes the main ideas and fields which psychologists research.
The second module mainly talks about the beginning of psychology as a science. It also describes the approaches which came and have been changing during the centuries. Author also mentions how psychologists can help people to find a solutions in different situations.
Finally, the third module is called „Psychology key issues and controversies”. It talks about diverse approaches to the main psychology issues and how they are explained in different perspectives. The author in this module also analyses the cultural diversities and explains how advertisements affect us.
All in all, Robert S. Feldman gives us valuable information about this subject introducing us the main parts of psychology.